Sometimes you need to hide sections on WordPress. This can be done by writing a little CSS. Style the targed element by using display: none.
Create A Signup Form With PHP & MySQL
Create a signup form, complete with server side and javascript validation using PHP & MySQL from scratch. Add user registration functionality to your website.
Quickly, Easily Generate Rich Snippets/Schemas
Use’s rich snippet schema generator to easily generate rich snippets. Provide extra information to search engines.
How To Have A Fixed Header That Doesn’t Move When You Scroll
Having a fixed header is very common. You’ve seen it on other websites you’ve visited. The header stays at the top of the page as you scroll down so that you have easy access to the navigation items.
How To Add Youtube Subscribe Button To Website
In this video I show you how to get the link to a youtube subscibe button. That way you can then place it on your website.
How To Center An Element Horizontally & Vertically In A Container
There are at least three ways to center an element in a container. I show you three different methods in this video.
How To Put Text On Top Of An Image
Overlaying text can be useful when you want to put text on top of an image. A particular use case for this I can quickly think of is when putting the title of a blog on top of an image. This is exceptionally useful when you use an image overlay combined with this.